Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saginaw hardcore...

I think I was 18 or 19. My band was invited to jump on a show in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The show had a bunch of crust bands from Grand Rapids, a local christian metal band called Bones Of Adam, who, I'm sure were there for comedy relief, Naked Agression and,oh yeah, Hellbender also just sort of jumped on the bill..

Anyways, at that time, my old band was more concerned with "going off" then actually playing. We were going to show these kids we perceived as being out of touch with what was going on in contemporary hardcore/punk what it was all about. Why? Because we were young and arrogant. By the first song, most of the drums were strewn across the stage and a marshall head fell on my head.

Anyways, at that show we met these 2 kids-ben and jim. They had just moved to Grand Rapids from the Bay City/Saginaw area. They were stoked to meet kindred spirits, as were we.

They started coming down to shows in Kalamazoo and we would hang out with them up in Grand Rapids and eventually we ended up doing a split 7" with them.

Bev Clone, in my opinion, could have been huge. Unfortunately, they never were able to put together a tour and broke up after recording a final demo, which was great.

Here is the Bev Clone discography. The first 7" is pretty much just them doing Fugazi Worship, the split 7" material was dark and ugly hardcore, not unlike Union of Uranus. The final demo is a mix of the darker and ugly hardcore of the split 7" and the more chaotic Gravity records bands of the mid 90s.

I will always have fond memories of Tom, ben,Jim,Karl and Scott. Even removing myself from the ties to the band I find myself really digging this band..

Tom and Ben are in a band, that, in ben's words, is a mix of Southern rock and "screamo" (?) Karl and Scott are raising families and jim does Tristeza. yeah. Check it!


  1. Me & Tom were neighbors/went to school together for years. We still chat it up on the Facebook, etc. Bev.Clone happened after I left MI, but I was always impressed by what those did - thanks for this - as I have been dying to find digital files of their work!

  2. I meant to ask you if you knew any of those dude, jason!
